Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department detective Neil Kimball, 45, who pleaded not guilty to raping a child and guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse in Ventura County in 2017, was only sentenced to three years in prison on August 8.
While working the girl’s sexual assault case for the elite Special Victims Bureau in 2017, Kimball befriended the 15-year-old.
During the sexual assault investigation, Kimball, himself, raped the girl.
The rape took place between October and December of 2017.
After nearly a year of investigating Kimball, he was finally arrested in November of 2018.
Prosecutors said there is a problematic, double standard for those who wear the badge in the United States.
“Knowing he raped her, this cop was allowed to walk free amongst the public while the girl lived in fear,” said prosecutors.
Even more absurd, the family said, is that Kimball was previously accused of sexual battery in a case that the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office declined to prosecute because they said they did not have enough evidence to prove that Kimball had committed a crime.
During the trial, family attorney Gloria Allred read the 15-year-old’s written statement: “I don’t understand why we live in a world where our most-trusted are the ones to turn and deceive you, to leave you hurt and hopeless. I have lost all faith in my county’s sheriff’s department, as well as the judicial system which is only giving this defendant the minimal sentence.”
Kimball must now register as a sex offender, have no contact with the victim, and pay the victim $50,000 for pain and suffering.
More than 300 of Kimball’s cases are now under review. The Department fears there may have been other victims.
Even more disturbing, for good behavior, Kimball was also granted credit for time served, which means he will be out of jail in less than two years.